The Mossletter 11
Hey Friends,
I trust you’ve been staying safe and navigating the summer as best you can (mostly indoors)? I guess you could say I’ve been “bookending” my days as of late: I start the day by reading & writing, and instead of camping out on the couch in front of the telly — I’ve been closing out the day with a comic book, graphic novel or something of the like. (Maybe it’s because there are so few new movies and shows launching right now? I don’t know, but it feels good to get back into books. The old school has become the new school.) 📚
How have you been rediscovering R & R? If you’ve come across any life-hacks that have helped you decompress — I’m all ears! 👂
📸 Pics Or It Didn’t Happen

Kitchen Adventures: Pork Chops & Veggies w Crème Fraîche & Balsamic Drizzle
🧠 Muse From Around The Way
Stumbling Blocks and Obstacles: How to Overcome Creative Ruts
Strategies from creatives on how to get unstuck and move forward in your work.
Patrisse Cullors’ Crenshaw Dairy Mart Offers New Frameworks for Activism in an Art Space
Crenshaw Dairy Mart, which opened in late February, takes an expansive view of its role in the surrounding Inglewood neighborhood.
"It’s not failure you should fear" by Rob Long
Rob Long was a hit writer for Cheers — but even he was not immune to looking at success backwards for many moons.
🎧 On Repeat
We got it from Here... Thank You 4 Your service by A Tribe Called Quest
Not sure why I’m circling back to this gem from 2016 right now, but it’s crazy how … current … if feels. While this album doles out more samples than a suburban Costco — it never feels overstuffed. If you have yet to experience Tribe’s swan song — check it out. R.I.P. Phife Dawg — you always were ahead of your time. (*those bothered by NSFW language need not apply.)
🍿 Popcorn Break

How a Buddhist Monk Is Turning Plastic Into Robes (2:46)
🖋 Parting Words
Everything counts in large amounts. — Depeche Mode