The Mossletter 1
Hey friends! Long time no see … (and it will probably be even longer until I see you all in person again, womp womp …) So why am I rebooting my little e-newsletter? (Because I’m trapped indoors like you are, silly!) Okay, that’s part of the reason, but I’ve been meaning to get this going again anyway, because …
Yeah, that’s right. I may not have a ton to say in these newsletters (I’ll certainly share the occasional info about creative projects I’m working on), but you know what? Who cares.
Let’s put some good stuff out into the world.
I’m reading more, I’m trying to learn more about the world every day, and as I come across cool stuff — I figure I might as well share it with you too!
These emails will be a collection of quotes I’m diggin’, articles I’m inspired by, the random instagram pic or nerdy app recommendation, etc. I fancy I’ll be sending this out every couple of weeks (I’m also trying to be more consistent), and if that’s not your bag — please hit “unsubscribe” down towards the bottom (I won’t be offended, pinky-promise!)
So kick yer shoes off, set a spell — and wash your hands like the Dickens (I mean that literally — wash your hands like Charles Dickens did, you know, like, pretend it’s the only thing keeping you alive …)
📸 Pics Or It Didn’t Happen

We’ll get through this — persevere like the cactus. (Huntington Gardens)
🧠 Muse From Around The Way
The untold origins of Apple's groundbreaking design
It all goes back to a food processor.
Basecamp’s Jason Fried on the Learning Curve of Remote Work
With tips for newly WFH workers and managers, the co-founder of Basecamp reflects on two decades of collaborating remotely as a team and how to manage expectations during transition.
How Picasso Dealt With Crisis
During the WWII German occupation of Paris, Picasso said of it, to paraphrase, “There was nothing to do except to work hard, struggle for food, visit quietly with friends, and wait for peace.”
🍿 Popcorn Break

Japan’s Master Sword Maker (3:06)
🖋 Parting Words
Hope is tenacious. It goes on living & working when science has dealt it what should be its deathblow. — Paul Laurence Dunbar, Poet